The Multiple Paths of Life When You Start a Company First

Khrys Solano
2 min readDec 7, 2022


As a startup founder, I’ve seen how the skills I’ve learned in my twenties have translated into tech and the imposter syndrome that comes with it. It can be overwhelming to feel like you’re almost hitting 30 years old while navigating all the different paths that life has to offer. And yet, there are plenty of rewards for taking risks and making bold decisions. Here is my story of becoming a startup founder in my late teens and what I have learned along the way.

The Decision to Become a Startup Founder at 18 Years Old
At 18 years old, I made a bold decision to become a startup founder. It was something that other people told me not to do because I was too young and inexperienced. But I was determined to make it work, so I took advantage of every opportunity presented to me and worked hard to build something of value. Even though there were plenty of challenges along the way, it paid off — I was successful in creating several startups before reaching my early twenties. If anyone was curious, I was a dog trainer and ran a dog walking company for almost 10 years.

Navigating Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, navigating imposter syndrome is always challenging. This is especially true when you’re in your late twenties and feeling like you don’t have enough experience or knowledge compared to those around you who may have been in the industry for decades longer than you have been alive. But no matter how much experience someone may have on paper, everyone has their own unique set of skills that they bring to the table — and no amount of experience can replicate that kind of expertise or passion for success.

Translating Skills Into Tech
One thing I’ve learned since becoming a successful entrepreneur is that my skills translate well into tech fields such as project management, marketing, data analysis, and more. My background in entrepreneurship has given me valuable insights into how companies operate on both sides — from product development to marketing strategy — and this knowledge has come in handy when tackling tech projects from all angles. Additionally, my ability to take risks and think outside the box helps me stay ahead of trends and create innovative solutions that others may not have thought about before.

No matter what point in life you are at or where your career path takes you, nothing is more rewarding than taking risks and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone — especially when it pays off! Becoming a startup founder at 18 taught me invaluable lessons about resilience and creativity that still serve me today as an entrepreneur navigating tech fields with confidence even when facing moments of imposter syndrome. Taking risks can be scary but often rewarding; if there’s something out there worth pursuing, don’t let age stop you from going after it!



Khrys Solano

Dog mom, creative girlie, marketing & mascara enthusiast, coffee lover.